Kamikaze Love - Sexart series boiled down into short softcore film
2 May 2017
So I did some research and it seems Pleasure or Pain is an edited down version of the 26 episode series that are basically around 10 minute each vignettes of the same "movie" narrated by and starring Malena Morgan.

After watching as many as I could find on free sites, I did notice quite a few scenes that Pleasure or Pain did not include. Not that you're going to notice a huge difference, or see many more crotch shots, but there are some.

It's a shame such a talented director wouldn't try to take softcore films of the past, such as those starring Catalina Larranga in House of Love, Voyeur Confessions, Word of Mouth, etc. by Indigo Entertainment (others by Universal/Playboy, etc.) to the next level by adding an extra level of X-rated-ness vs. tease. But here again, you get quality porn actresses forced to only briefly flash some goods, vs showing/performing actual sex acts. I'm not saying go porn gross, but this movie would have been great had it just taken it up a notch, and not left the viewer wanting more.

Also, I'm assuming it was made as a full movie, Kamikaze Love, and then broken down into vignettes to post to the site SexArt (not sure if an exclusive) in 10 minute increments. But calling it Series 1?? Was there a Series 2? Considering the director is dead, doubtful. They do use episode 1-26 on that site. Better if they just left Kamikaze Love as a full movie, and allowed the actors to do what they do best. Ever watch a porn movie made for late night TV? It's like that. Not as bad as using a different camera to only capture above the waist shots, but nearly.

I implore these directors in the future, please make this type of movie again, but with a bit more storyline as the movies mentioned above, and give us softcore PORN like the old days, only better. I'm sure budgets are an issue for most and that's why we get half-assed attempts, but I for one would pay a premium to see House of Love Rated X anyday over a watered down, badly acted movie-vignette of tease.
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