Combat!: The Glory Among Men (1964)
Season 2, Episode 32
Combat Stands Up After All These Years
3 May 2017
I watched this episode as a youngster and have never forgotten it. I thought that when I revisited it over 50 years on that it might disappoint. How wrong I was. This episode and all the other episodes of Combat stand up as tough and real as anything made since and that includes films like "Saving Private Ryan". The cinematography and acting are first class. Vic Morrow's Sgt Saunders goes way beyond clichéd war hero fare and his direction of this episode is spot on. The seemingly simple scenario is used as a means of character revelation and development. Men who hate a fellow squad member risk their lives to rescue him. The episode is tight and tense - move and counter move - with the denouement uncertain. Yes, we believe that the squad will rescue a wounded member but how? By the way, the opening credits and theme music still pack a real punch.
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