Review of The Void

The Void (I) (2016)
good midnight madness
19 June 2017
Small town cop Daniel Carter (Aaron Poole) has another boring night. He picks up a possible drunk and brings him to the small rural hospital run by Dr. Richard Powell (Kenneth Welsh). His estranged wife Allison Fraser (Kathleen Munroe) is a doctor there. Kim (Ellen Wong) is a medical student intern. A man has brought in his pregnant granddaughter. Neighboring sheriff arrested a drifter who escaped from a scary farmhouse. A father and son arrive after the bloody farmhouse incident. First, a nurse slices up a patient and her face. They battle a monster. The drifter escapes and takes a hostage. Creepy hooded people surround the hospital. The father and son are a volatile threatening duo. Then, things start to get crazy.

There is general horror goodness in this Canadian indie. My main complaint is that it piles on too much too quickly. These things need to be paced out. It needs to build atmospheric tension before throwing in the monsters. There is a good dividing line as the group finds the mysterious sub-basements. When the group descends, the movie can go crazier. By the end, the horror pacing gets overloaded and the shock value wears thin.

The acting is solid although it could improve with bigger names. The scariest scene is actually Kim trying to do a C-section. There is a lot to like here. It is able to maintain interest all the way to the end. There are some good real work. It is better than most indie horrors.
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