Ancient Earth (2017– )
Not bad, just not good - OK
23 June 2017
How do you rate something when you REALLY enjoy the subject but the program is just OK? I gave it a five. I watched it all the way through. There was nothing really wrong with it, but besides the subject matter being really interesting there was nothing really right with it.

To begin with, it is REALLY short. Whole geologic ages covered in (minus titles) about ten minutes and they didn't even bother with the Jurassic.

The content was general. Quick conclusions, not a long explanation. It was at a Wikipedia page level or less. Nothing new or exciting.

The animation was OK - not great but I have enjoyed and repeatedly watched older documentaries that have far worse animation.

The three talking heads were OK. I didn't recognize any of them. It's not like they got Bob Bakkar and Phil Currie. These were ... unknowns ... and didn't have the character and presence.

If CuriosityStream wants to have original content that can go up against Walking With Dinosaurs or Planet Dinosaur then you need to put the time, money and content into it. Otherwise you're left with this.
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