Review of 47 Meters Down

Entertaining--- and the one-stars are just spiteful
27 June 2017

I just love the way one of these one-star reviewers says "It's not often I'm at a loss for words" --- and then proceeds to write seven single-spaced paragraphs about it.

As a female, I enjoyed it as unpretentious entertainment. I think some of the men shredded it because they wanted to establish what experts they are at diving and/or sharks and/or screen writing and movie making. Yawn. Not a one of them has ever brought a script to screen I'll bet.

And yes, the girls' constant screeching was excessive. But I was just watching for the adventure and not calculating how many millibars of whatever should have been left after so many meters under water or how they're supposed to attach the widget if the wind is from the south-southeast and the moon is in Scorpio. etc. etc.
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