Black Mirror: The Waldo Moment (2013)
Season 2, Episode 3
Sadly....I don't think we're very far from this at all.
30 June 2017
"Black Mirror" is a British series that consisted of two episodes...until Netflix got involved and commissioned more episodes. This episode is one of the original ones.

Waldo is an animated television character who is done LIVE using modern motion-capture technology. He is voiced by an out of work comedian, so you know the character is quick-witted. But he's also crude, offensive and annoying...yet the public seems to love Waldo and his offensive much that they decide to unleash him on a local election for Parliament. He pretty much makes a mockery of the election and despite how offensive and awful Waldo is the public love him. At this point...Waldo's voice starts to worry where all this is headed.

This is a very prescient episode of "Black Mirror". I think it gauges the public and their sheep mentality quite accurately...especially in light of some of our recent elections. I don't want to make this a political rant...just see this clever and very insightful show.
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