Seize the Day (1986)
Seize the day: Crippling depression
1 July 2017
I would consider myself a legitimate Robin Williams fanboy, I adored the man and considered him one of the all time greats whether straight role or comedy. He holds the record of the largest number of movies I rate THAT highly but he has done some stinkers as well.

I was late to the party with Seize The Day, I'd never even heard of it but seeing it's cast and reading its premise I was excited.

Williams once again puts in a strong performance and that simply cannot be disputed but the film plods along at an odd pace and never seems to actually go anywhere. They say every story needs a beginning a middle and an end but Seize The Day feels like a 93 minute middle and nothing else.

The film reminds me a The Pursuit Of Happiness (2016) in that you are witnessing a man going through a bad period of his life and you the viewer rally behind him hoping for him to turn things around. Difference is PoH feels complete, like a whole package while STD (Very unfortunate acronym) simply doesn't offer that and instead depressed me to my very core.
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