Shameful plot less ho hum trash.
3 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Still Star-Crossed, the show, dresses up the idea wonderfully but renders it all rather lifeless by trying to out-drama itself at every turn in a decidedly Shondaland morass of overworked histrionics. Oddly, this manages, at points, to come full circle and become interesting again by offering up near-cornball drama in situations that actually require all the drama you would think you could muster.

This show takes itself just a little too seriously to be the fizzy fun fans have come to expect from a Shondaland production. It sure looks good, though: There are horses, there are castles, there are laced- up bodices, prince's balls, clanging sword fights, potions, and secret passageways.

. . . But . . . Unfortunately, there's also leaden dialogue and predictable plot twists. Rosaline and Benvolio have a "meet aggressive," so of course they're perfect for each other and will soon be sharing stolen kisses behind satin draperies. Lord and Lady Capulet telegraph rich arrogance and the Montagues humble righteousness, so soon the former will get their comeuppance, while the latter will get their due. Ho hum, blah blah blah, there's just no spark in anything, nothing that makes the viewer go "ooh!" or "Oh no, she didn't!" Like so many Shakespeare high school plays, it all winds up being something you think you should watch, and want to enjoy - but might not.

I predict it will not last longer than its already ordered 10 episodes. Its ratings are in the toilet. ABC is taking their sweet time in finally canceling this garbage.
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