The Assault (2010)
Way too overrated. Even as a French film, it was poorly done.
18 July 2017
Reading some of the reviews (probably fake and part of the production team), they are defending the color de-saturation/black and white effect, slow pace etc...

And then there's the other idiotic reviews that are basic plot summaries or synopsis - that's not a review and does not belong here, nor does it merit a film!

I've seen many great French films, and to simply excuse all the negative aspects of this film because it's French-made and it's to be expected, is no excuse for a poor screenplay, terrible editing, idiotic cinematography, and disgraceful directing.

Let's start with the de-saturation/black and white; it's meant for dated, artsy-type or musical films... French or not.

The shaky cam was so annoying, I wanted to stop watching this film every 15 minutes, but gave it a chance. This is not typical French cinematography or directing... this is the director trying to Americanize this film. Fail.

The editing was about as good as a fifth grader cutting pieces of paper for an abstract piece.

The screenplay is what needed the cutting; I didn't need to see forever-long prayers from the terrorists. We get it, they are loyal to their God. And screaming it non-stop to all the passengers - even a 5th grade bully would have had more intimidating dialogue.

The plot had more holes in it than the shots fired.

As one reviewer stated, this film would have been better as a documentary, and probably would have held the viewers attention better.

Sure the story based on actual events was interesting, and the casting wasn't too bad. But those are the only two reasons this film was deserving of my 4/10 score, but that's it.

Any amateur film-maker with an iPhone could have put together a better film and cut this screenplay to 1 hour and be more effective and entertaining.
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