Munna Michael (2017)
Director and Screenplay Writer please go to hell.
23 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers

I don't know why but somehow Munna Micheal was looking most promising film recently from trailers and video songs, i was really waiting for this one but i'm highly disappointed with the outing. Going by last 2 films of Sabbir Khan i was expecting a good entertaining film but this one turned out to be his worst direction outing till date. Come on man you can't be so stupid, just because people liked your 2 films that does not mean you will make whatever (crap show) you want and people will like that also. So many minuses from Director, let me count it- First frame of film is like i am watching 80's film, 2nd 80's formula of orphan child, 3rd How the hell a just born baby understood MJ's music on tape recorder, 4th which disease Munna's father had? 5th how all of sudden every club in Mumbai stopped allowing Munna to enter in club? List goes long but i think these were high and underlined minuses so let's stop here and talk about pluses.

After crap show in beginning 15 minutes Film finally takes a good start when Tiger Shroff appears. His Dance moves are Mindblowing, he's good in Action too, certainly average as an Actor. Nawazuddin's arrival makes film more funny, he's Hilarious as gangster and then a dance learning student, but shockingly fails as an Actor. A scene before Interval shown me the worst side of Actor Nawazuddin. Nidhi is just a make up doll, only 2 things to like about her are Her Dance and her Bindass Accent. Music is Average. Choreography is Excellent, Ganesh Acharya deserves claps, too good. Cinematography, Dialogues are strictly ordinary. Direction is completely disappointing, unacceptable, unbearable. Too predictable, too massy and too melodramatic at some moments.

Overall, Munna Micheal is wanna be good film spoiled by immature direction of Sabbir Khan, ended up being an Above Average entertainer. There's plenty of Dance and Action which actually recovers your ticket money. Go for this one only if you're a die hard fan of either Tiger Shroff's dancing or massy Action films. I'm going with 5/10* stars (1* star extra for Tiger's Dancing) as i think this film just cannot taste a success whether it is Box Office or Television repeat value.
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