The House Sitter (2015 TV Movie)
The Homely House Sitter
27 July 2017
This lame tale of a nutty house sitter doing her evil work to a normal family going through the loss of the daughter is about as predictable as you can imagine. This nut case is downright homely and annoying to look at and that whiny voice of hers could drive anyone crazy. I found it hard to watch her acting as well. So obvious in her snooping. The young daughter of the family is very good and you root for her. Mama and Papa have no idea what is going on and fall for the killer bitch's tales. But the daughter is wise and eventually give the girl her up pence. I was slightly bored with this film as it was too obvious and no one would let a house sitter stay when they aren't needed. The ending couldn't come soon enough.
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