Nine Men (1943)
Instructional film made entertaining and involving
2 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
At first the film appears a bit of a mystery. Produced in 1943 when films tended to be either escapist or patriotic flag-wavers, the rather clunky start is puzzling: basic training for army newbies who are apparently unexceptional. The newbies are a complete mixture of classes and educational levels with nothing in common - a very mouthy ignorant one, a clever quiet swat. Their sergeant-instructor too is unexceptional - not a bully or tyrant rather quietly business like but fairly approachable. None showing any promise.

This lot - the nine - find themselves dealing with their lorry stuck in the Libyan desert sand, separated from the main force. A enemy plane strafes them, destroying the truck and seriously injuring two. The truck quickly explodes destroying water, ammunition and food, leaving the men with their weapons and minimal supplies. The now 7 with two wounded men manage to hole up in a small stone building. A force of Italian soldiers perhaps 5 times larger with an armoured car discovers them and proceeds to attack.

I'm no expert nor even amateur but what they achieve I guess is possible but absolute text book - that the film is a demonstration of what a well led force could achieve against superior odds but a badly led enemy. Because it is presented as a story with memorable individuals, all the (many?) lesson contained are more easily remembered. I am guessing that a great deal of thought would have been given to the lessons the film needed to teach The differences portrayed between the two forces is not bravery vs cowardice, competence vs incompetence of the squaddies but leadership, The British squaddies, left to themselves are shown making believable mistakes which in such a hard pressed situation clearly would be fatal.

It's a clever bit of film-making, teaching by example - good and bad - the viewer gets wrapped up in the fate of the 9 so pays intense attention to the story. A lot is about adopting correct - ie helpful to group survival - attitudes. Interesting are the "Orders for Today" hand-written by the sergeant, stuck on the wall inside the building. Simple clear goals so all understand and which will survive in the likely event that the sergeant is killed and no longer able to lead.

The ending appears on the optimistic side but not beyond belief. It's a question of leadership with a degree of luck. I am guessing the film is a counsel of perfection but that was the point: for people to watch, learn.
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