You are the sum of your parts
11 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Frankie Stein (Jayson Spence) constructs "The King" (Graig Guggenheim) from various rock star body parts for his agent/producer uncle Bernie (Barry Feterman). From what I gather, he has the head of Elvis, the legs of Keith Moon, the hands of Jimi Hendrix, the butt of Sid Vicious, and something from Buddy Holly. However due to a mix up, he gets the organ of Liberace. This leads us to a film which concentrates too much sexual confusion. He leads a band called "Unnatural Urges." There was so much they could have done with this film had they not wanted it to be overly gay. The dialogue was poorly constructed as were the characters. It was a let down from all the potential the film had.

Guide: F-word, sex, nudity (Kate Fallon, Joan Gerardi)
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