false expectations
25 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There were so many clever and new ideas that I have never seen in any other movie, let alone any found footage movie, but the movie was way too heavily edited to be found footage, for example the (rec) symbol is on everything, the eyeball wouldn't record audio and if it did, it would be very muffled:FIX: create plot where he wears an external mic.

The voices of the characters sounds like they were recorded in a studio and just dubbed in:FIX: use the natural audio from the DSLR and the... go-pro?... because it is actually supposed to replicate found footage.

The night vision effect was just plain lazy:fix:use an actual night vision camera and not a green filter... your not fooling anyone.

when he moved his eye his other eye moved too... I mean there are no muscles attached right? I'm not a biologist... and I think it would make great comedic relief if his eye just stayed in place

another thing that bothered me was that there was a soundtrack... do I really have to explain.

I don't know what anyone else looks for in found footage, but I look for realism and even a toddler can tell that its fake... and that not good.

the hype made me really want this movie to be good... but sadly it wasn't

other than that it had a kinda unique story to it that had so much potential..... probable remake????????????
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