Not upto expectations. Less of everything that you expected.
2 September 2017
Nawazuddin Siddiqui is one of those actors who have made a name for themselves by delivering content-driven films. So, when you hear that he is starring in a movie, as the single lead, you obviously get excited for it and your expectations start soaring. But 'Babumoshai Bandookbaaz' couldn't deliver exactly what was expected.

The movie tells the story of a hit-man 'Babu', the rival politicians 'Jiji' and 'Dubey' and how Babu meets 'Fulwa' - his love interest, and 'Bakey' - a competitor, and how things fold and unfold thereafter.

The movie does have twists and turns and enough of action, but the main problem is the clichéd story, unnecessary scenes and loss of logic at several points in the movie. The movie also feels a little rushed at several points and given its runtime of 02:02 hrs, maybe they could've given some scenes more time and detail, without feeling like a 3-hour-long movie.

Nawaz is the whole and sole of this movie, and carries the entire load on his shoulders, and delivers brilliantly as always. But apart from him, there wasn't much left in the movie, with mediocre acting all over the place.

Overall the movie was disappointing, but if you love action movies that show reality from rural India you might like this one.
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