Distracting nonsense with some charm
15 September 2017
A side-scrolling beat-em-up with RPG elements featuring Japanese schoolgirls? How can I resist? Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds is a fun button masher. If you liked the Scott Pilgrim game from 2010 then this one has similar pixel graphics and chiptune music. The spoken dialogue is all in Japanese with English subtitles. I'll be honest, I had no clue what was going on but I did enjoy smashing my way through the levels, until it got derivative and repetitive.

It seems to take forever to fully upgrade your character and after my second play-through I still did not have enough experience to max- out so I just gave up. For a good few hours this game is a pleasant distraction but is hardly likely to go down as a classic with anyone.

The soundtrack (forgettable as it is) is available separately for purchase, there are 46 trophies/achievements, and 5 trading cards to collect. Worth getting in a sale, for sure.
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