Gringo Trails (2013)
Gringo Trails
21 September 2017
Gringo Trails explores the positives and negatives effects of one of the largest growing industries in the world, tourism. This film documentary, directed by Pegi Vail, follows backpackers through their adventures in the Amazon through countries in South America. The film shares the story of a young, college backpacker named Yossi Ghinsberg who ends up lost in the Amazon Rainforest of Bolivia. He is recused almost a month later and writes a book about it. The book is published and tourists began flocking to this area. The film opens with a quote from Chief Seattle that says, "Take only memories. Leave nothing but footprints". Several natives, tour guides, and travel writers are interviewed about how the influx of tourist and how it has effected their daily lives and how these tourist have disturbed their environments. The film reveals shots of liter-filled beaches of exclusive destinations that have become overrun by tourists. The documentary does include subtitles, which can be distracting, but it sometimes in necessary given the speaker. It is very educational and shows what can happen when a destination becomes too popular.
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