Gringo Trails (2013)
"Gringo Trails" Review
27 September 2017
"Gringo Trails" directed by Pegi Wail is a documentary that raises awareness of the effects of non sustainable tourism on cultures and the environment. The film begins with the true story of Yossi Ghinsberg, an Israeli traveler being saved by Kevin Gates after being stranded in a Bolivian jungle for a month. This documentary does a fantastic job of telling stories about different locations that have been negatively impacted by reckless and inconsiderate tourists. The camera angles and images used truly show the beauty of the places talked about in the film making it difficult for the audience to disconnect while viewing Gringo Trails. I was in shock seeing true stories of how big of an impact tourism has on the environment and different cultures. The film kept me engaged the whole time and made me want to make a difference in the tourism industry.
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