Gringo Trails (2013)
Gringo Trails, an eye opening documentary about the significant impacts on countries and cultures due to tourism and traveling
1 October 2017
"Gringo Trails", directed by Pegi Vail, is an eye-opening documentary that raises questions regarding the tourism industry and how it has a direct impact on certain travel destinations. This film seeks to determine whether or not tourism is destroying our planet or changing it for the better. The movie brings viewers on an awe-inspiring journey through Latin America from Bolivia, all the way to the beautiful beaches of Thailand and beyond, to demonstrate how these once beautiful destinations have since become destroyed due to overpopulation and pollution. Through the life changing stories from travelers such as Yossi, to the native locals, this film seeks to change viewers perspectives on traveling and how to make wiser decisions. I would highly recommend this film to anyone who is seeking to expand their knowledge on the tourism industry and to gain a better understanding on how tourism and travel significantly impacts specific cultures and countries and its' people.
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