Gringo Trails (2013)
Insightful Film
1 October 2017
The documentary Gringo Trails directed by Pegi Vail, is an eye opening and insightful film about the horrors of the tourism industry. The film begins with the story of Yossi Ghinsberg, a man who was stranded in the Bolivian Amazon for almost a month, before being found by locals. Throughout the film, it shows short stories about remote places that have been taken over by tourist. From the beautiful beaches of Haad Rin to the small island of Incahuasi, tourist have not only overcome the population, they have changed the environments. Places that were once so bio-diverse, are quickly diminishing in the number of species because of the amount of people entering their land. The film also explains how places that used to be run by locals, are now controlled by the government, taking away the destinations charm and specialty. Overall, the film provides a whole new aspect to tourism that most people do not see and really focuses on the effect of the tourist.
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