Alien Showdown The Day the Old West Stood Still: Aliens vs Cowboy
9 October 2017
I'm open to new ideas, that's why when a film comes along with a ridiculous title or premise it gets my attention.

We are bombarded with the same predictable formulaic nonsense left right and centre so when I see a title like this I had to give it a go.

I knew the likelihood of it being awful was high but I held my breath and dived on in only to find my fears were justified.

A story across two generations, a cowboy battling a highly advanced alien and one very very bored viewer.

I can forgive the effects, I can forgive the lack of experience of the creators but everything about the film screamed poor.

To make matters worse I recently watched the trailer and was astonished at the lack of quality. I've never seen a trailer so shoddily made.

This film appears to be getting some serious hate and all of it is just.

The Good:

Concept is bearable

The Bad:

Shoddily made

SFX are questionable

Cast are highly hit and miss

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Cowboys and Aliens don't mix, just ask Harrison Ford
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