Freaks and Geeks: Tests and Breasts (1999)
Season 1, Episode 5
"Are we gonna go to Hell for this? I don't wanna go to Hell."
24 October 2017
'Tests and Breasts' is stacked with character moments, whether it's Daniel cheating his way through a math test or the geeks watching a porno for sex ed. We've all been through that roller-coaster portion of health class, and Sam's increasing discomfort . . . well, who among us couldn't relate to that? It gives Tom Wilson room to shine as Coach Fredricks, a role that goes from jerk to thoughtful teacher in the space of an episode.

It's also a showcase for James Franco, bringing charm and confidence to a loser like Daniel. The rising tension in the counselor's office at episode's end yields one of the show's best moments. Backed against a wall, sometimes all you can do is just break into laughter.

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