Iki-jigoku (2000)
A living hell? To watch? No doubt about it!
26 October 2017
Wow, this starts out so good; the beautiful cinematography, the smooth editing, the top of the class acting and last but not least the brilliance that is the soundtrack; tinny and cheaper than cheap, repetitive synth-hell ( What a wonderful, imaginative composer! ). And let's not forget the enormously sinister atmosphere on display here, and the vulgar display of over the top gore, what more could you want? Oh yes of course, a brilliantly written screenplay, a story that makes so much sense that it's almost painful at times. Yep, you surely get it all here, no other Asian horror film can compare with this diamond.

Damn, what an absolute travesty this film was. From start to end it's total amateur hour, there simply isn't a single redeeming aspect to be found here. When other reviewers state that they have "been around the horror block" quite a few times and this is one of the nastiest films they have seen, I just know they haven't even taken a step outside the block. Please don't listen to them, they don't know what they are talking about. This moronic attempt at gory horror is the epitome of tame, in no shape or form did I watch something extreme. This for some inane reason has been compared to the untouchable The Texas Chainsaw Massacre ( 1974 ). Besides not a single horror film of that ilk even coming close to the filthy brilliance of that piece of art, it's doubly blasphemous comparing this feeble whimper to that feral roar of a film. So f off with that! It's of course easy to see exactly which scene this abomination lifted it's inspiration from, it's of course from the penultimate scene in TCM. But whereas the dinner scene in TCM is one of the most unnerving and dread inducing scenes ever put to celluloid, in this film it's just moronic over acting, laughing maniacally in a cringe worthy attempt to be oh so scary. Pathetic.

Summarized then; an abortion of a film, crappy acting, lousy cinematography, non- existent gore and dread, and a story so immensely nonsensical it's truly mind-blowing. If you want extreme Asian horror, watch The Untold Story, Tumbling Doll Of Flesh, Naked Blood, Grotesque and Suicide Club. Avoid this turd at all costs!
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