So why did I like this one? All I can say is I was entertained. Maybe I'll have to ask a Ouija board..... Good-bye
28 October 2017
I'm going to start by admitting I shouldn't like this movie as much as I did. It's cliché in so many ways. They use the loud orchestral pops to make you jump throughout the movie, but while cheap I found many to be chilling. The PG-13 rating took away from some of the scenes. I'm not look for gratuitous gore, but some of what occurred in the movie was simply too clean to believe what was happening. The premise of the movie is a mother of two makes a living as a psychic medium. She uses various mechanisms to put on a believable show so that she can "provide peace" for the families who come to see her. After deciding to add a Ouija board to her business for added effect. After her younger daughter begins playing with the Ouija board, the daughter seems to gain the gift of being able to do what her mother only pretended to do for her clients. And that's where business picks up. The movie was corny throughout, and the effects were low grade. You could practically see where the harnesses were attached when bodies were thrown about. The ending was rather clunky and sudden. I guess I generally like movies involving the Ouija board. Although it's not inherent as I wasn't crazy about the movie "Ouija" (2014), the movie for which this movie is a prequel. But I loved the movie "Witchboard"(1986) and it's sequel "Witchboard 2" (1992). So why did I like this one? All I can say is I was entertained. Maybe I'll have to ask a Ouija board..... Good-bye
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