Foyle's War: Among the Few (2003)
Season 2, Episode 2
Fuel thefts and death at a depot
31 October 2017
Loved 'Foyle's War' and was immediately hooked when first getting into it. Love it even more now, on re-watches things that didn't quite make sense at first are clearer and things that were not noticed or appreciated before are and much admired. Everything that came over as brilliant on first viewings still are brilliant on re-watches.

"Among the Few" is yet another excellent episode, not quite as good as the previous Season 2 episode "Fifty Ships" but almost. Can understand those saying that the undercover stuff with Sam needs suspension of disbelief, thought so myself when reading the summary and it was at first but got more intriguing and feasible once things became more twisty. My only complaint actually is the ending, which for 'Foyle's War' was a little on the far-fetched side. Like with many 'Foyle's War' episodes, on re-watch there was much more appreciation had for how well established the character development, tone and themes are for so early on and things that didn't quite connect entirely at first made more sense on re-watches.

Have always admired the visual detail that went into 'Foyle's War' and how high quality the production values are, with beautiful costumes, the evocative way the characters are made up, the look of the houses and cars, pretty locations and authentic-looking scenery. The music is in keeping with the mood and doesn't overpower the drama while still making an impact.

Writing is intelligent, sophisticated and thought-provoking, establishing Foyle's personality with so much depth already and providing some tense and heart-tugging moments. The story is complicated, with a lot of strands that requires full attention, but clever and from start to finish intriguing. It paces itself deliberately but with so much going on it's never once dull and the twists and turns that slowly unfold keep coming. Really liked the RAF scenes, the planes, Foyle's intuitive crime-solving, the social themes touched upon and the realistic and honest portrayal of the human conditions.

One thing that wasn't picked up by me but now is and admired hugely is the tackling of what was seen as truths but some really misconceptions and seeing British during the war in a new light. This was a bold move and dealt with a lot of honesty and tact. The background information is so well researched and is every bit as interesting as the mystery itself. The character tensions were also handled very well and added a lot of intrigue. Andrew is becoming more interesting with every episode.

Michael Kitchen is truly superb as Foyle, subtle, intensely determined, commanding and above all human. One of the most interesting television detectives there's ever been and Kitchen has rarely been better. Honeysuckle Weeks is charming and loyal, with some nice touches of subtle humour as ever, and Anthony Howell is wonderful, have really admired what the show does with his character. Julian Ovendon is very good as Andrew.

Likewise with the strong supporting cast, with standouts being Christina Cole, Selina Cadell and David Troughton.

In summation, excellent episode. 9/10 Bethany Cox
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