The Incredible Hulk: Sanctuary (1981)
Season 5, Episode 4
The New Preacher
30 November 2017
It's nice to see that even in season 5, the writers still hadn't run out of fresh ideas for the series. This time David is working as a handyman at a mission, where a wounded young illegal immigrant shows up, on the run from the local crime boss, Patrero. The head of the mission, the strong-willed Sister Anita, persuades David to impersonate a visiting priest so that Patrero will be afraid to make a move on the mission.

Religious themes have had a role in this series before, most prominently in the atrocious "Babalao", and it's a pleasure to see how well-handled they are in this episode. Certainly, it could be argued that the townspeople's seeing the Hulk as a miracle is condescending to religious people, but I don't think it is, not when you've taken into account the fact that no one in the series can produce a scientific explanation for the Hulk, or even believe he exists until they've seen him. The actors treat the roles of clerical and lay believers with respect, and more importantly, the episode really digs into the religious subject matter. You come away with a thing or two to mull over.

The acting is above par. Diana Muldaur is absolutely superb as Sister Anita, though I question the casting choice; I can guess why TV series often reuse guest stars, but having the actress of such a key role as the protagonist's sister show up in a different role is risky. Henry Darrow also does a fine job as Patrero, who is given a refreshing level of depth and personality. The subtle political sparring between Patrero, Anita, and David is quite involving, and the strong ideological conflict behind it takes things to the next level.

Beyond that, David masquerading as a priest feels appropriate given his history of doing good, and during his climactic sermon it is strongly hinted that he would be effective in taking on the vocation for real. I do wish this aspect had been explored more, but that it is explored at all is worthy of applause. "Sanctuary" definitely rates as one of the series's most memorable and effective episodes.
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