Lab Rats: Speed Trapped (2013)
Season 2, Episode 1
A good case against self-locking doors on cars
30 November 2017
This episode is really uneven. The core plot is nothing but high points: Davenport building a self-driving sports car fits well with his comically vain personality, the way Marcus sets Leo up for his demise is inspired, the multiple methods which the bionic siblings devise to save Leo are inventive and exciting, and Marcus's big reveal towards the end is well-played. Plus, I really love that kid's eyebrows.

Around the edges, though, there's a lot of stupidity. For starters, I don't get how cutting off the bionic siblings from all social activities is supposed to avert further incursions into Davenport's lab. If anything, that's bound to make the three of them look **more** suspicious, and it's just absurd that they accept Leo as their chaperone with no real objections. Nor does it make sense that Marcus drops by for no more reason than to check on Leo, much less that he would let slip that he tried to kill him while doing so.

Then there's the side plot: Donald and Tasha are having their first anniversary, and Eddy is jealous. The whole thing is just an excuse for Eddy to throw lots of insults at Tasha, few of which are even close to being genuinely funny. For that matter, the episode as a whole frequently falls flat on the laughs. The plot is more serious than a typical Lab Rats episode, but that's no excuse for the numerous times that the laugh track goes off without there being any joke.

Still, the ep has its value. You'll cringe at the laugh track, but stay for the drama.
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