Lab Rats: Leo vs. Evil (2013)
Season 2, Episode 10
Tasha, do you know what a bus is? That's B-U-S, bus...
30 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Finally we get some more of Marcus. This episode actually doesn't advance his plot line at all, but with the help of some very subtle sidestepping it feels a lot more significant than it actually is. And a trick like that is worthy of applause in my opinion.

Beyond that, it's exciting to see Leo genuinely all by himself in a dangerous situation, and more exciting to see him pull out of it. But... I dunno. The jokes in the Marcus vs. Leo bits are really flat (except for "That's a stapler." and the ensuing twist), and it's cringe-inducing when the rest of the family chalks up the whole adventure to Leo's imagination. Especially since there's an obvious logical explanation: Leo is lying to get Marcus in trouble.

The B plot, which involves a teleporter mishap that sends Tasha to Fresno, has weaker laughs and a big plot problem. Adam and Donald make some jokes which Bree and Chase deride as lame, a running gag which might have been funny if it weren't for the fact that every crack Bree and Chase make is just as dumb. The climactic twist is that Adam solves the problem by calling Tasha and telling her to take a bus home. Huh? So Tasha doesn't even know to use public transportation unless someone calls and tells her to? Suddenly some of the insults Eddy throws her way don't seem so misplaced.

Speaking of whom, Eddy's celebratory fanfare when Tasha is seemingly killed did actually earn an amused smile from me, but for the most part the B plot is insultingly dumb.
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