The only medal The Last Jedi earns is the "At least you're better than The Attack of the Clones" medal.
16 December 2017
Disney just did the impossible, they ruined Star Wars. Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi was a major disappointment. It did not feel like a SW film, it just was a Disney space adventure. Mark Hamill gave it his all, but terrible treatment to Luke's grand return. All the hype on the plot of this film is rubbish; so much focus on Jedi books and myths, Rey's mysterious parents, sinister Snoke, and Luke Skywalker ended up being a major let down, also porgs are just there to sell toys.

Disney refuses to write in "dark" things from the Original films to this movie. The original films were not dark but it was violent and packed with great action and amazing dramatic moments. Star battles here are an absolute joke, and lightsaber fights are laughable. Attack of the Clones had more action than this! The Last Jedi amazing lightsaber fights, army of X-wings flying into battle, dramatic turning points and major tragedies, and natural humor. We don't want child/family friendly film which are worse than the prequels, we want a similar tone to the original films.

However, credit to writers for not making this into an Empire Strikes Back rehash, and to Mark Hamill's performance; crap writing, but Mark still gave it his all, love his performance, hated his treatment. Snoke in the previous film looked scary, Snoke here is a bloody joke, replace Andy Serkis' Snoke with his Caesar and I promise it will be a 100 times more scary and menacing, than little Snoke in his golden robe sitting in this red crib. Rey's interaction with Kylo was useless, Rose was okay, nice new character, Leia was cool but had a very cringe worthy moment with the force, there is a sequence in the film in which if you remove this entire sequence it would have made NO difference whatsoever in plot and movie.

Disney must learn that making anything child/family friendly shifts the overall tone. Star Wars is something many people grew to for many years, they should respect the old cast, and their legacy, plus tone, not erase it all movie by movie with lazy friendly writing. Believe me when I say this; as a fan who grew up to SW his whole life and had to deal with the problems of the prequel, it is safe to say I enjoyed Episode 1 MORE than The Last Jedi, yes very controversial. Why? At least Episode 1 felt like a SW movie and not Disney adventure, it still has the greatest lightsaber fight in the whole saga, OST was brilliant as well, star battles were memorable, comedy was natural and not force, had a great villain, heroes who knew what they wanted to do, YET it was a child/family friendly film which was not good, until I saw this. I am sorry but The Last Jedi was not a good movie. It is MORE child/family friendly than the prequels, lacks tragedy, action, drama, villain, SW tone. The only medal The Last Jedi earns is the "At least you are better than The Attack of the Clones" medal. I feel sad Mark Hamill has to deal with this.

I end this review with the Star Wars film rankings:

Empire Strikes Back Return of the Jedi/A New Hope (tie) The Force Awakens Revenge of The Sith The Phantom Menace The Last Jedi Attack of the Clones
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