Review of 6 Souls

6 Souls (2010)
Down in Smoke
6 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Confession; I didn't finish it. That is an extreme rarity, as some bizarre force normally compels me to slog through some of the worst of Hollywood's offerings. But when it became apparent, about 2/3rds through, that some mysterious cloud of dark smoke was the evil culprit at the bottom of this twisted mix, I lost interest.

It begins with promise, with engrossing interplay between the two stars in some psychiatric evaluation scenes that had the potential of good story telling. A creative why-done-it combined with the question of whether the multiple personalities were genuine could have made for worthwhile theater. Alas, it was not to be. Enter the smoke, exit entertainment value.... and me. A waste of 2 capable actors.
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