Better Than Its Reputation
29 January 2018
The Projected Man (1966)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Dr. Paul Steiner (Bryant Haliday) is doing experiments on a laser machine that he hopes to use to transport objects from one place to another (think of THE FLY). All is going well until they suffer a setback at which point he experiments on himself. This leaves him as a deformed monster with the ability to electrocute people to death with a simple touch.

THE PROJECTED MAN is a British horror film that seems to be a decade too late in the game. I say that because this scientific tale just feels very old-fashioned for a film from 1966. As I said in my plot description, the plot is pretty much lifted from THE FLY and nothing about it had been updated to make it fit the era that it was released. Fans of Mystery Science Theater 3000 will also know that the film was spoofed by them and that helped form its current reputation.

In all honesty, THE PROJECTED MAN isn't a masterpiece or even a good film but at the same time it's not nearly as awful as some reviewers will make it out to be. As I said, the biggest problem is the fact that it's a bit too old-fashioned for its own good but there are still some good moments in the film. There's no question that the highlight of the picture is the monster itself. The doctor pretty much has half of his body burned and this deformed look is actually quite memorable. I thought the special effects were good for what they were and the monster certainly made the film worth sitting through.

Another good thing were the performances from Haliday, Norman Wooland and Mary Peach as the three lead doctors doing the experiments. I'd also argue that the cinematography was at least decent for this type of film. As far as the flaws go, the story itself is pretty unoriginal and it's really too bad that the monster didn't have more time in the movie. The movie works best when he's out killing but this takes up very little of the 77-minute running time.

THE PROJECTED MAN will appeal to fans of British horror films. It's not perfect but it's entertaining enough for what it is.
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