Lost: ...And Found (2005)
Season 2, Episode 5
Lost and found
30 January 2018
When 'Lost' was in its prime, it was must-watch television. Remember first watching it, found it remarkably easy to get into, was hooked from the start and was on Season 3 by the end of one week. The general consensus is that the final season is a disappointment and cannot disagree.

"...And Found", of the five episodes up this point of Season 2, is for me second weakest after "Adrift", which from personal opinion is a better episode than given credit for. A still very well done episode on the whole, but as far as the previous Season 2 episodes go it is not in the same league as "Man of Science, Man of Faith" and "Orientation".

It's the flashback where "...And Found" is at its weakest. Other flashbacks in 'Lost' do a much better job at being compelling, adding to the rest of the story, adding to the character(s) in question and moving things forward. The flashback to me is bland and add nothing to Sun and Jin than what is known about them already.

Hurting it the most is the whole stuff with the discrimination, which was heavy-handed to the point of being beaten around the head, pointless in correlation with the rest of the story, had little relevance and added little to Jin's character. Potentially good angle, not executed right.

It's a shame because the on-island events have plenty of tension, entertainment and emotional resonance and relevance. Michael's situation could have been repetitive but the anguish of what he is going through in every parent's worst nightmare is believably portrayed and acted.

The performances are also hard to find fault. Terry O'Quinn seems incapable of giving a bad performance on this show, while Harold Perrineau's performance is very deeply felt. Daniel Dae Kim does a noble job just about holding the flashback together while Yunjin Kim is at her most luminous and touching. The chemistry between the two is similarly touching.

Like a vast majority of 'Lost' episodes, "...And Found" is beautifully photographed, as always making the most of the island setting. The music is as always chilling and understated. The direction is above competent and the script has intriguing parts if lacking consistent tautness, the dialogue in the flashback scenes tends to not flow very naturally.

Overall, well done but what should have been one of the most interesting parts of a 'Lost' episode's story is where the episode falls down. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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