Our Cartoon President (2018–2020)
Boring tired jokes, but funny graphics
20 February 2018
This is tired, boring and decidedly not very funny. I wanted it to be. I despise Dump and all he stands for, but bad television is still bad television whatever the subject matter. I will say that I am tired of some folks going on and on about how our current Piece Of Total Useless Snot sitting in the oval office won the vote of half the country and we should shut up. First of all, free speech, so even if he actually did what you imply, which he did not, those of us who do not like the white trash in the oval can spend as much time complaining as those who did not like the previous president were free to do. Check yourselves. It's our right. Why don't you shut up and find some tolerance for the right to free speech like you told us to do from 2008 to 2016? I particularly love the ones who complain to me about not supporting the president of our country and in the next breath tell me Obama is a Muslim (he isnt, but if was - so what? Freedom of religion - or did ya forget that?) Hypocrite much?

To the more relevant point, Dump did not win the votes of half the country. Only 60% of the country voted. And while that was a better than average turnout, there are 232 million eligible voters and only 139 million of them voted. Dump got 46.1% of the ones that voted - 62,979,636 votes, but he couldn't even get half of them as his opponent beat him in the popular vote, taking 48.2% of the vote and trouncing him by 2,864,974 votes. When figured nationally, he got 27.14% of the eligible voter pool in the entire country. No matter how you spin it, it doesn't equal half of anything unless you are a Bush throwback and you like fuzzy math.

Anyway, back to the show. It's not worth your time. Stick with SNL or late night talk shows. They are more up to date, on topic and genuinely funny. This show is just seeking to cash in on our country's misfortunes and they're too lazy to do it right. On the bright side, I will agree with one reviewer's side note: The graphics are fairly priceless for screenshots. For the artistry alone I gave it four stars.
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