The Song Dynasty
26 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Saving General Yang" turns out to be a very watchable, very good historical drama based on the historical Song general, Yang Ye, of the Northern Song dynasty. This is refreshing from the earlier historical Chinese dramas that distracted with incredulous kung fu flying stunts and such. Here the warriors, good guys and bad guys, are ordinary mortal men. Think of, "Saving General Yang" as a East Asian version of, "Vikings" from the History Channel. Yes, it's that violent but at least much more realistic. The movie is based only but one historical interpretation. The storyline blames colleague Song general, Pan Li, for treachery and cowardice by refusing to come to the aid of the ambushed and outnumbered general Yang Ye. But another history account tells it differently. The first Song dynasty emperor relied on three, experienced and highly competent generals to conquer the remaining, independent Han Chinese states, thus reuniting all of China since the time of the T'ang Dynasty. These men were, Cao Bi, Pan Li, and Yang Ye. All three proved highly effective senior generals, each man commanding subordinate junior generals. Cao Bi was a righteous, modest man who eschewed riches, wealth, rejected bribes and prevented his soldiers from plundering. Pan Li was an experienced battlefield tactician who knew how to attack Song enemies at their weak spots and weak moments and proved good at motivating subordinates. Yang Ye was from a more refined social class and upbringing and was also an astute battlefield tactician. Operating separately, the rest of China succumbed and Song China reunited the entire country, except for the far northeastern 16 prefectures which were lost in 950 A.D. by a previous, short-lived, rump Chinese dynasty, to the foreign Liao Dynasty, known as the Khitans. The second Song emperor dispatched Cao Bi, Pan Li, and Yang Ye north to reclaim the 16 prefectures from the Khitan. The three invading columns moved independently and were not coordinated with each other. The Liao armies attacked and defeated each Song Chinese army, starting with Cao Bi, then Pan Li, finally Yang Ye. Pan Li had been attacked and was unable to support Yang Ye. The failure of the Northern Expedition infuriated the second Song emperor. He demoted Pan Li three ranks. Cao and Yang were dead. The Chinese have become rediscovering and reassessing the heretofore ignored Song Dynasty because militarily and diplomatically it was the weakest of all the major Han Chinese dynasties. But a historical reassessment reveals China underwent a technological, scientific, agricultural, cultural, economic, and social 'golden age' under the Song, especially during the Northern Song era. Even when the foreign Jin Dynasty (Jurchens) conquered the northern 1/3rd of China, the remaining 2/3rds under the Southern Song remained prosperous for another 150 years until the Mongols finally violently liquidated the Song. The Song dynasty proved wealthier and more advanced than its glorious T'ang predecessor. Song China is considered a time of scientific and technological invention, many of which still exist today, such as the compass and paper money.
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