Reminded me of extended constipation ...and then disappointment with nothing more than a single PLOP!!
2 March 2018
If you were not aware of it, this was Tom Hanks very first film where he received a film ending credit. I guess a lot of future stars made their debut in a low budget stinker of a wannabe horror film. In this film the director, Armand Mastroianni, just would not relent in his attempt to build up suspense and then continually let us down with a simple "oh, you have got to be kidding! Again?" The young and attractive actress Caitlin O'Heaney who plays the bride to be Amy Jensen believes she has a stalker following her and her friends and recent acquaintances are being murdered one by one by her unknown stalker which we get a few glimpses of, but who is he?

I honestly felt as if I was sitting on my royal throne constipated, waiting for something to happen, and as my suspense is displaced with discomfort waiting for a long overdue bowel movement suddenly I hear a little plop and realize the plop results in nothing more than the size of a peanut which has caused so much discomfort. In the case of "He Knows You're Alone" the agony continues throughout the 94 minutes (much longer than my discomfort waiting for a BM) and then the end of the film FINALLY comes and I ask myself "you have got to be kidding?!!!"

Don't waste your time seeing Tom Hanks in his film debut, he was much more impressive four (4) years later in director Ron Howard's 1984's film Splash.
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