Review of Britannia

Britannia (2017–2021)
Don't be fooled by neo-Nazi reviewers - this is a good fantasy...
6 March 2018
... and it's good because of its inclusion of black and strong female characters where they "historically should not be". History was written by the Romans, who were misogynist and racist pigs. Anyone who has studied it knows this, and knows the cautionary phrase "history is written by the victors". Yes, Roman historians would have omitted strong female or non-Roman characters in their lives because they were blind to the existence of anything but themselves. It's why their empire fell (take the lesson from that, bigots of IMDB). So unless you're wanting to portray Celtic peoples as bloodthirsty incestuous filth encrusted superstitious animals - which is how they WERE portrayed in Roman tomes - then you have to use creativity to fill in all the blanks. Why not black legionaries? Black people were just as likely to be enslaved as anyone else the Romans conquered, and slaves could win freedom to do as they pleased. Why not women fighters? We know Boudica and many other Celtic women were warrriors and queens. Why not include any damn thing you like, as long as it makes for a gripping drama that all people - not just old white dudes - want to watch?

Well done Britannia, you've made an enjoyable show that I recommend watching. All the IMDB troll "reviewers" in the world will not change that fact.
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