Outlander (2014– )
Haunting, magical, beautifully crafted High Romantic Drama
10 March 2018
I am a moderately-fussy omnivore - my favorite shows being Battlestar remake, Black Mirror, Dare Devil, Jessica Jones, Altered Carbon, Breaking Bad, Dexter, Silicon Valley, Pretty Little Liars. With that addressed... Outlander is without a doubt under-rated as of early 2018.

I haven't even heard of the book series prior to this. Perhaps jaded from the glut of time-traveling tales, and dreading yet over-the-top period sci-fi fantasies, I jumped in Outlander relatively late. What a pleasant surprise. Just finished 3 seasons in less than 10 seating, now longing for another 10 seasons.

Unexpected: seamless writing, pacing and editing for the genre. More realistic sex and less gratuitous gore and violence than Vikings. Post FX quality better than GOT. Beautifully done wardrobe and interiors. Possibly the most naturalistic yet erotic love-making on recent TV. Surprisingly under-use (or under abuse) of the time-traveling mechanism, very appreciated.

I read complaints about certain graphic rape scenes. IMO it is a courageous decision on the part of the producers writers and especially the two actors. We live in a time of hyper desensitization. Gut-wrenching, realistic illustration of what went on then and now - however seat-edge unbearable, however politically incorrect, need to be drawn. As explicit as it was, it's firmly in context and in character.

My biggest complaint is the sometimes-inconsistent characterization of the two leads. Not the actor's fault, both Caitriona and Sam are perfectly cast and their screen presence and craft are undeniable. My issue: Claire is a woman of 1940s but in the 1750 backdrop she vacillated between (rational) calculated submission and (stupid pointless) public rebelliousness of a 1960 feminist. And Fraser can get annoying with his endless flip-flops between his honor obsession and his professed loyalty to his wife. Maybe this is a problem with switching directors every other episode? In any case, their occasional "irrational outbursts" are tolerable.

The masterful writing directing editing meant in spite of the art direction and cinematography team painstakingly drawing necessary costume and interior furnishing and even medical visual details, and the occasional breath-taking epic Chivalric Romanticism style, there were never any bored moment. Something is always happening.

This is a story about the timeless power of heroism, love, passion, courage, honor, faith, and the mystery of fate.

Whether of not you're a genre fan or drawn to the Celtic mysteries and culture (like my SE Asian self) the emotional power of this story universe will haunt your dreams, and the theme song will linger for a long long time.

The overall ambience of the setting reminds me of a song by Clannad. Superbly done film scoring. One 3rd season tribal ritual with main theme overlay was a Peter Gabriel Passion of Christ moment.

And as I tend to skip the intro I only realized after one whole season, that Ron Moore of Battlestar Galactica remake was behind this. No. Wonder.

I look forward to the next season, and hopefully many more. Highly recommended.
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