Downsizing (2017)
Not a comedy; disappointing
26 March 2018
This movie is disappointing on several levels.

  • The trailers almost exclusively show the brief "Leisureland" part in the beginning, but conveniently leave out the other hour of the movie.

  • This movie is not a comedy so much as a political soapbox

  • The movie is TOO long.

  • Global warming alarmist movie. This movie pulls an Al Gore and tells you that the earth is going to be underwater in a few years. Time and history have shown this is not true. Ice caps are melting in some places, yes, but they're also growing in other areas. I'm not denying a certain man-made aspect, but this movie goes over the top.

  • The "overpopulation" is a global crisis shtick is brought out... Nevermind that Nazis and Stalinists used that as an excuse for eugenics to kill millions of people.

  • Apparently, minorities are not allowed in leisureland, especially Mexicans. Only rich, white men are allowed in leisureland. How many stereotypes can this movie play on? Ridiculous.

I will admit that there were some entertaining moments, particularly the moment when Paul (Damon) is downsized.

Not a movie that I would want to watch again.
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