rival trucking companies duke it out
30 March 2018
Stars Fank Darro as "Frank"... takes a job as a truck driver, unaware of the shenanigans behind the scenes. Apparently the competitor has hired thugs to drive the company out of business, but Frank and sidekick "Jeff" need the money. A lot of repetition.. we keep seeing the same two trucks on the same stretch of road.... but in different incidents and different smashups. Then Mr. Lee shows up, and no-one knows what he's really doing there. Because of his shorter size, Darro had played the robot in "Forbidden Planet", although someone else did the robot's voice. Darro died quite young of a heart attack. This one is a Monogram Pictures shortie, at only 62 minutes. Which in this case is a blessing, since it's really not so good. Directed by Jean Yarbrough, who was known as king of the hacks, according to his bio here. Yarbrough and writer Edmond Kelso made twelve films together! It's just ok. No big names in this one.
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