Review of Holliston

Holliston (2012–2013)
A balanced review for an OK show.
10 April 2018
All the other reviews for this show are 10s or 1s so I figured I would throw in my two cents in case anyone wanted a middle ground.

Basically this show is OK. At its core it is a standard copy/paste generic cliche sitcom where you can predict lines halfway through episodes you've never seen before. HOWEVER, Adam Green has made this mediocre sitcom his own (and worth giving a watch) by adding the following toppings to this otherwise nothing-burger:

1. Random scenes of 'extreme' gore. They often do not make sense, or even add anything to the plot, but there's more blood in any given episode than the entire Friend's series - and to me that's a good thing.

2. Random 4th wall breaks. The show is painfully scripted, but that just makes the 4th wall breaking (occurs totally randomly) actually feel fresh and amusing. A plus.

3. BEST FOR LAST: Dave Brockie and Dee Synder. These two carry the show. Laura Ortiz does a great job, and has the best overall character, but Holliston is less about 'Holliston' or 'Adam Green's life' and more about just enduring the show and waiting for Dee and Dave to show up. Seeing Oderous Urungus in full garb give advice to Adam and occasionally complaining about life on Scumdogia or pondering his love of Slymenstra Hymen always puts a smile on my face. Any Gwar fan should watch this show if they haven't already. As great as Dave is (was, RIP) I think Dee Synder does an even better job. Seeing a hair band icon play a 'too old to rock' van halen cover/tribute band front-man is hilarious. Dee has always been an 'on-screen' personality and knows how to be perfectly over the top. His character gets funnier as the series progresses and the season 2 finale had me laughing until I teared up (at Dee Synder's new music video). As an old metal head, I probably found it funnier than I should have - but I loved it nonetheless.

If you're still reading my rant. Stop its over. Watch Holliston, its not great, but its better than most of the worthless crap on TV these days.
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