Órbita 9 (2017)
A rather dull love story with a thin sci-fi wrapping
18 April 2018
I went in blank not knowing what to expect. The movie seemed interesting at first, with lots of room for interesting plots. Then there's a big reveal (that comes way too soon) and what's left is a love story/action movie, a very boring one at that.

As a love story, I didn't find it particularly convincing. It comes out of nowhere and basically it's nothing more than having sex on a first date, with a virgin, that you haven't met before. So yeah, "love".

The movie then plods along for a while, trying to inject some "feels" and make you care for our two main characters. But this.. is.. done.. so slowly.. and in such an uninteresting way, that it completely fails to achieve it.

Nearing the end, we have some action scenes, which are very basic. By this time also, the main plot about why (and how) all of this is happening, has become pretty silly and unbelievable.

The ending itself is not entirely terrible, in the sense that they could have made it worse and I was totally expecting it to be worse.

Acting-wise, I'm not entirely sure how to rate it, since it was in Spanish and I had to go by the subs. The female lead seemed to do a decent job. The male lead appeared very wooden and not very charismatic, sporting a facial expression that can only be described as "apathetic" for most of his screentime.

All in all a forgettable movie. 4,5/10 - rounding it up to a very generous 5.
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