19 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This film is not a squeal or is in any way related to the Jamie Lee Curtis classic.

The promiscuous Mary Lou Maloney (Lisa Schrage) upsets her date Bill (Steve Atkinson) at the prom as it seems she has had sex with everyone in school except him. Bill couldn't get to first base. A prank backfires and Mary Lou goes reverse Carrie on us as she catches fire and no one else does.

Years later Vicky (Wendy Lyon) opens the trunk with the unburned tiara. She eventually becomes possessed by the spirit of Mary Lou without a Ouija Board. Bill (Michael Ironside) is now the principal. Supernatural elements enter the film as it becomes more similar to "Carrie" than "Prom Night."

This is a classic 1980's horror. The confessional scenes are memorable plus the unabashed full frontal nudity of Wendy Lyon as she walks through the locker room.

Guide: F-word, foreplay, nudity. This is part of many multi-packs
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