Excellent 1940's mystery with a great climax
29 April 2018
This is a really good 1940's mystery, of that type which mixes some humor and warmth with the tough stuff. The plot is a little complicated, but it does make sense and, after all, this is a MYSTERY. Viewers will often complain if they can "figure it out" in the first ten minutes; when they can't, they complain it's too hard to follow. This is definitely one where you have to show some patience and wait for the clues to unfold. One of the points I liked about this movie is, you find yourself questioning: who is so-and-so? Are they who they claim to be? Here, I found myself suspecting different people. That is the mark of a very good mystery! The San Francisco settings are very nice. It's always a treat when a studio picture of the 1930's or 1940's gets out of the sound stage and takes you someplace interesting, like San Francisco. Tom Conway is excellent as the Falcon. He has an easy, understated charm. He comes across as a guy you would like to have for a pal. The supporting cast is solid. And, the ending is terrific! Worthy of film noir, which this picture is not, having a frequently light, wry tone. But gosh--that ending!
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