Suffers by comparison to "The Best Years of Our Lives," but is none-the-less a well made film
6 May 2018
Well made post-WWII story about GI's coming home is thematiclaly very similar to "The Best Years of Our Lives" and suffers by comparison. Both films were released the same year and "Till the End of Time" is the inferior of the two, but it's a good film that deserves it's own recognition. The film is smartly directed by Edward Dmytryk ("The Caine Mutiny" "Crossfire") and based on a novel by Niven Busch (the screenwriter on "Persued" and "The Postman Always Rings Twice"), featuring a strong cast that includes Guy Madison and Robert Mitchum as soldiers returning from the war to find civilian life not as easy to adjust to as they'd expected. The main story involves Madison falling in love with war widow Dorothy McGuire. Comparing "Till the End of Time" to "The Best Years of Our Lives" is somewhat unfair since that film is an American film classic, but it's hard not to when they are so similar. Still, on it's own, "Till the End of Time" is a compelling melodrama set at a very specific time in history, with a story that remains relevant today.
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