Why is this one not a cult movie?
11 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Copyright 8 September 1931 by First National Pictures, Inc. New York opening simultaneously at the Warners Strand and the Brooklyn Strand: 12 September 1931. 6,298 feet. 70 minutes.

SYNOPSIS: After consulting a fortune teller, Larry (Douglas Fairbanks, junior) journeys to a Central American republic where political corruption is rife. He forces his company on Diane (Loretta Young), but discovers she is about to marry a wealthy suitor to save her father from ruin.

COMMENT: Although it tends at times to become dialogue-bound and even degenerates into the occasional shouting match (principally between Henry Kolker and Edmund Breon) or worse, gross caricature (Claud Allister's stage Englishman is the chief offender here with his "I say what, dear old egg!"), "I Like Your Nerve" runs mostly along the breezy lines of an ingratiating romantic comedy. Doug Fairbanks junior does all right by dad in a part that, whilst it lacks senior's acrobatics, packs in plenty of his charming aggressiveness.

Loretta Young looks very svelte as the heroine and does her costumer proud.

Boris Karloff has been handed some brief bits as Kolker's butler which he plays in his usual solemn accent (no trace of Italian) in a sinisterly sepulchral manner that will no doubt delight his legion of fans.

Although lensed on a "B" budget, McGann's direction is surprisingly assured and polished, utilizing lots of varied camera set-ups, interspersed with effective long shots that show off the art director's attractive sets to their full advantage. True, there is evidence of hasty shooting here and there, but, by and large, a commendable job.

Ernest Haller's superb photography also deserves a Highly Commended certificate.

All in all, I'd rate this as a very pleasing addition to the current crop of cult movies. I wonder why it hasn't made the grade among cineastes? Could it be the simple fact that our tunnel-vision TV and most DVD suppliers pander almost exclusively to the newer movies brigade?
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