Supernatural: Let the Good Times Roll (2018)
Season 13, Episode 23
Loved it, but the plot-hole is huge. The fight was..meh
21 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't watch any trailers, I didn't see what the writers said before the episode. The only thing I did was watching the episode and that was it.

I did not see it coming and I very much was left speechless. Speechless because I was amazed and disappointed in the same time.

Two things I could not not understand:

1) How did Lucifer take Jack's grace with ease? Jack isn't like your normal angel (or archangel for that matter) so he wouldn't be harmed even with the archangel blade. Yet, he was still harmed and lost his grace in like a fraction of a second.

2) How did the fight between Michael and Lucifer not destroy almost everything? Season 5 revolved around the idea that Dean kept refusing Michael because he didn't want half of the planet to burn. Then, here, he was the one to suggest giving in to Michael and the fight was pretty much harmless to everything. If this was the case, then what was the whole fuss in season 5 all about?

Also, the wiring was so obvious it really felt cheap.

Anyway, a possible explanation for the big plot-hole about the harmless fight between Michael and Lucifer would be: well, since Lucifer had way much more power than Michael, then it wouldn't be a real fight and Lucifer would win with ease. Therefore, the fight ended quickly with Michael losing (of course until Sam gave him the blade) which would explain why there wasn't mass destruction. It doesn't explain the no destruction at all, though.

That still isn't a satisfactory explanation, but for those who love this show no matter what, it might do. Still, the way Jack just lost everything, when he's supposed to be indestructible, is just beyond me. I cannot overlook this one. I mean, if it were so easy and all it took was an archangel blade, then the again, what's the whole fuss about?
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