Evil Bong 2 King Bong: 2 down, 5 to go
27 May 2018
Evil Bong, what a concept. You can only assume someone was smoking some high quality stuff to have thought this would be a good idea, yet somehow someway it became a long running franchise which at time of writing has seven movies.

Well the first was stupid stuff but just about managed to be entertaining, kind of. Here we see the same characters (Almost the same cast) suffering side effects from their encounter with the titular Evil Bong and venture to South America to seek out a cure.

Stoner humour, childishness and that weird Full Moon movies charm that still remains after all these years.

In no universe could I ever say King Bong is a good film, in fact if any of the next 5 movies get over a 5/10 I'll be astounded! However they're dumb fun, and in that almost likeable way unlike the likes of Sharknado *Sigh*.

Evil Bong 2 manages to be a tad better than the first movie, it actually has structure this time and more of a story. I can't believe I'm talking about a movie called Evil Bong and complimenting it on it's story. Then again I've watched a movie about a killer tyre, a giant man eating sperm and Ron Jeremy's penis breaking off and going on a killing spree so I really shouldn't judge it too harshly!

The Good:

Follows on from the first film

Sonny Carl Davis

The Bad:


Plot is daft, even by "Evil Bong" standards

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

I'm going to watch seven movies about a Killer Bong and one spin off film where the Killer Bong battles an evil gingerbread man. I may need help.
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