Ghostbusters (1984)
The Brave, The Best, The Only...Ghostbusters!
2 June 2018
"Ghostbusters," is considered to be one of the greatest sci fi comedies of all time, and it has endured by many generations as they had grew up with this movie and still cherish it til this day. This movie was definetly a childhood of mine, as I watched this on an old VHS that was recorded on TV before having an actual copy of the movie; then it came to DVD, and now we have Blu Ray. Now I'm an adult, the question is: does it hold up? Well, here is my review. The movie is about these three scientist: Peter Venkman, Ray Stantz, and Egon Spengler as they all got fired from the university, so now all they have left is to start a business of their own by catching ghosts. Furthermore, we have Dana Barrett, who has a ghost problem as the building she lives in is being taken over by the evil Gozer as her minions known as the Terror Dogs to posses both Dana and her nerdy neighbor Louis Tully as they are about to bring the end of the world. Its up to our heroes to kick some ghost, and to save the world. Its as ridiculous as it may sound, but it works and definetly well executed. The movie's screenplay is written cleverly by both Dan Aykroyd and the late Harold Ramis, and they both have given great performances. Ernie Hudson, who plays Winston Zeddemore, doesn't show up into the second half of the movie but he does he give a good performance too. Sigourney Weaver and Rick Moranis are both excellent for the roles they were given to play. Annie Potts does fine for playing the secretary. William Atherton plays Walter Peck, as you really love to hate him. The villain Gozer is definetly a real threat, and really has a strong presence in this movie. As for Bill Murray, he is the man! He really steals the show, and his lines of dialogue are outstanding. Speaking of dialogue, the movie is definetly quotable for such great lines like "Nice shootin' Tex," "Nobody steps on a church in my town," "He slimed me," and of course "Back off man, I'm a scientist." The movie itself is really funny, and all thanks to its cast as they know how to make the comedy work. Even Ivan Reitman's direction is really well done as he balance it really well for mixing both the comedy and horror elements into the movie. The movie does go at a very good pacing as it feels tighter, and doesn't drag too long. The ghosts in this movie are memorable as you have Slimer, Gozer, Terror Dogs, Librarian Ghost, Stay Puft, as well as the Dream Ghost which I'll get to. The gadgets as everyone remembers the PKE Meter, Ghost Trap, Ecto Goggles, and the Proton Packs. Cannot forget the Ectomobile! Elmer Bernstein's music is definetly one of his greatest scores, and does have a great soundtrack such as the theme song by Ray Parker Jr., "Cleanin' Up The Town," "Magic," and "Savin' the Day." The special effects may have some bad ones that don't age well, but for the most part, they are really good as this was all done practically without any use of CG at all. That is minor issue, but the major issue, which I am not a fan of is that dream scene where Ray has sex with a female ghost. I thought it was totally out of place, and should've been left on the cutting room floor. That is just my personal opinion. Nevertheless, "Ghostbusters," is still a classic as it is funny, exciting, suspenseful, creative, and has a good heart. I am giving this movie a 9 out of 10!
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