Mad TV (1995–2016)
Started out good but got stale towards the end
10 June 2018
I must admit I didn't get into this show until the late 1990s, but when I did I found many of the sketches very funny. Especially the fake commercials and the Bill Clinton impersonations by Will Sasso. This show was really funny while the sex scandal was happening in Washington DC with Clinton and Lewinsky. I used to stay up late on Saturdays watching this and it seemed so funny. But in the 2000s it started going stale. The parodies seemed less funny and more stupid. Sure, there were both stupid and funny sketches during the show's heyday, but it went downhill after a while. I never got to watch Saturday Night Live, but this was the closest I could get to the late night sketch comedy shows. And even though it's probably not on the air anymore (except maybe on Comedy Central on cable), I can watch the sketches on YouTube and they're just as funny as they were in the 1990s. But don't let the fact that the last few seasons of MadTV tanked scare you off; just go on YouTube and watch some funnies. I know I did!
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