Doesn't do the movie justice. (+it's inconsistent)
14 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The show is bad enough as is, but it just doesn't make any sense in relation to the movie. 1. Why do Sam and Flint know each other in high school, yet they're complete strangers in the movie? 2. In one episode Sam says her glasses aren't really prescription, but that doesn't make sense since in the first movie she says that they ARE prescription. 3. Why is Sam dressed the way she is? In the movie when she's still wearing her glasses, she's like 5, and it was around that point that she took them off. So if she's in high school in the show why is she still wearing them? 4. What happened to Sam? Why is her personality so weird? She seems like a girly girl... 5. How does Flint make so many working (more or less) inventions so quickly in the show, when in the movie it took him a LONG time just to make that food thing. 6. Where is the mayor's son in the movie? 7. Why is Earl a teacher? 8. Why is Flint smart and unintelligent at the same time? Pick one or do both right.

Just to name a few.

Some of the storylines are so ODD. They make me wonder WHERE they came from! Like the episode where Sam apparently was a famous horseshoe thrower... Why was that included? They make things up just for ONE episode and have few running concepts. The running concepts they DO include are WAY overused and now annoying, like the old man. It's not funny. And the animation hurts my feelings! Really, it's not great. But I get it, I mean they made a self aware joke in one episode about trying to get a certain amount of money for the animation and being rejected, so that explains that.

Speaking of jokes, they're rarely funny. The self aware ones can be quirky and occasionally earn a chuckle, but that's about it.

And the show is just so BLAND. It's like they had an idea for ONE episode and decided to make an entire series because of it. Every episode seems like the writers were burnt out while writing it. There's no passion, and over all the show lacks the ~*whimsy*~ of the first and even second movie. It's so dull.

And the overused formula of >Flint makes invention >invention goes wrong >Flint and Sam fix it With some "comic relief" (if you can even call it that) sprinkled in here and there.

So, I just think they did the show incorrectly. It had potential, but it was about 7 years too late. Even then, with some THOUGHTFUL writing it could potentially have been great. But shows when based off of movies are kind of supposed to continue the movie, or at least reference it enough so that you'd KNOW that it's from the movie. Like the Big Hero 6 series continued the movie, the How to Train your Dragon series continued and referenced the movie, but the thing that sets these two shows aside from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is that they weren't to blatant. They didn't seem to be trying to hard. HTTYD the series was far from perfect I'll admit, BH6 the series has only released one episode but BOTH SHOWS were better that this. If you subtract how good HTTYD the series was from how good BH6 the series is, it would STILL BE BETTER THAN CWACOM THE SERIES.

I loathe this show. When I'm bored and it comes on, I turn the tv off and stare at the blank screen because I prefer that to being DISGUSTED by this show.

There was even vore in one episode. Like what the heck?
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